
Origin of Mohanty ( मोहांती) /Mahanty (महांती) /Mahanti(महांति) Surname & caste.

Surname (उपनाम/कुलनाम) and Title (उपाधि/पदवी):- Throughout history, surnames have served as a means to categorize individuals into various groups based on factors such as occupation, place of origin, clan affiliation, patronage, parentage, adoption, physical characteristics, and more. These surnames, often accompanied by titles or honors, are typically appended to individuals' given names. सनकादि ऋषियों का एक   दिब्य एवं  चमत्कारी  मंत्र- हरि शरणम  Surnames can generally be classified as either genealogical or professional, and in some cases, topographical. Genealogical surnames are passed down through generations and often originate from family names, some of which may have originated as personal names. Professional names, on the other hand, have also been adopted as family names and are commonly used as surnames. For centuries, it has been customary to bestow titles upon individuals who have achieved distinction in areas such as intelligence, learning, wealth, ho